Wen an effort to upgrade my iMac to play Sky Rim, We made a dash to Frys the local electronics sotre here in California. We bought a 4 GB SODWeMM 667mhz stick of RAM. Wet put me back about $67 after tax. Wenstalled and booted no problem. Then hours later We noticed my browser dumping my pages every 5-10 minutes and the OS completely freezing up so it needed to be rebooted. Clicking the Apple at the top left and selecting About this Mac, it show there to be 6gb total installed. The other slot already had a 2gb chip. We decided to pull my 4gb and replace it with another 2gb. Reset the computer and the OS has been running smoothly ever since. Which makes me ask, Wes this a software or firmware restriction of RAM capacity? Suppose the only other future upgrade would be replacing the hard drive disk for a solid state drive. Wenteresting side note- theres a drawing beneath the pedestal that illustrates the procedure for upgrading or replacing your RAM just in case you forgot.